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Turisme, cultura, gastronomia, art, esport, slot online, casino online, natura… Tot a El Maresme!


What is the Halo Effect?

The Halo Effect is a psychological phenomenon in which a positive or negative perception of one trait or characteristic of a person or thing influences our overall assessment of that individual or object. This term was first introduced by the American psychologist, Edward Thorndike, at the beginning of the 20th century. These effects can occur in a variety of contexts, including the world of work, education, marketing, and social relations.

How Does the Halo Effect Happen?

The Halo Effect occurs when one prominent quality of someone or something dominates our perception, thereby influencing our assessment of other traits. For example, if someone looks physically attractive, we tend to assume that they are also smart, friendly, and competent, even if we don’t have enough information to support those assumptions.

Examples of the Halo Effect

Employee Recruitment and Selection:

Physical Appearance: In the job interview process, an attractive-looking candidate may be perceived as more competent or talented than another candidate who is less physically attractive.
Attitude and Personality: Cheerful and friendly candidates may be more likable and perceived as having good abilities, even before they demonstrate relevant technical skills.


Academic Performance: A student who gets good grades in one subject may be considered intelligent overall, even though they may not excel so much in other subjects.
Classroom Behavior: Students who behave well in class tend to be perceived more positively by teachers, which can influence the overall assessment of that student.

Marketing and Advertising:

Celebrity Endorsements: Products advertised by popular celebrities are often considered higher quality, even though the quality of the product may have nothing to do with the celebrity advertising it.
Packaging Design: Products with attractive packaging designs are often considered to be of better quality compared to products with less attractive packaging.

Halo Effect Impact

Non-Objective Decision Making:

The Halo Effect can cause bias in decision making because assessments based on just one aspect can be misleading and not objective.

Discrimination and Injustice:

In the world of work or education, the Halo Effect can cause discrimination and injustice. Candidates or students who should receive equal opportunities may not be recognized due to positive or negative bias towards certain traits.

Marketing Efficiency:

In marketing, the Halo Effect can be used to benefit a company. By creating a positive perception of one aspect of a product, a company can increase sales and customer loyalty.

How to Reduce the Halo Effect

Evidence Based Assessment:

Using real data and evidence to judge someone or something, rather than relying solely on first impressions or outward appearances.

Structured Grading System:

Adopt a structured and objective assessment system, such as using a clear rubric or rating scale in performance evaluation.

Bias Awareness Training:

Conduct training to raise awareness about different types of bias, including the Halo influence, and how to avoid it in decision making.

Multisource Evaluation:

Gathering feedback from multiple sources or perspectives to get a more complete and accurate picture of someone or something.


The Halo Effect is a psychological phenomenon that influences our assessment of someone or something based on one prominent trait or characteristic. Understanding them and their impact can help us make more objective and fair decisions, both in professional and personal contexts. By implementing strategies to reduce bias, we can improve the quality of our judgments and decisions. The halo effect also enters the category of cognitive bias which can affect a person’s psychology and cause a person to make bad decisions

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